June 18-22, 2023, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria

ERS2021 Evaluation Form

    EACCME® participant’s evaluation form

    1) Quality of the event

    How useful for your professional activity did you find this event?

    If this activity was not useful, please explain why:

    What was your overall impression of this event?

    What was the best aspect of this event?

    What was the worst aspect of this event?

    2) Relevance of the event

    Did the event fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes?

    Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base?

    How useful to you personally was each session?
    Masterclass 1 -

    Masterclass 2 -

    Instructional Course 1 - Current understandings of AERD

    Symposium 1 - Decision making in the treatment of type 2 CRSwNP in the era of biologics

    Plenary 1 - Effects of air pollution and climate changes on the airways

    Face to Face 1 - Comorbid CRS in asthma vs comorbid asthma in CRS: dealing with the two sides of the same coin

    Keynote Lecture 1 - Unveiling the fine mechanisms of type 2 inflammation in CRS

    Round Table 1 - Defining severe and uncontrolled CRS

    How I Do It 1 - Understanding sinus surgery: basics (ERS JUNIOR)

    Instructional Course 2 - Rejecting candidates for rhinoplasty

    Symposium 2 - Nose forward, sideward, onward and upword

    Mini Symposium 1 - Focus on septal surgery

    Keynote Lecture 2 - My way about managing twisted, crooked, deviated noses

    Round Table 2 - Reduction rhinoplasty: it's all in the details

    How I Do It 2 - How to repair septal perforations?

    Instructional Course 3 - JNA classification and management

    Symposium 3 - Benign sinonasal tumors (ARS)

    Mini Symposium 2 - Comprehensive overview on choanal atresia

    Keynote Lecture 3 - Promoting precision
    medicine through big data and artificial intelligence

    Round Table 3 - Multidisciplinary management of sinonasal malignancies

    How I Do It 3 - Fibro-osseous lesions of the sinuses: my personale experience

    Instructional Course 4 - Airflow measurement tools in daily practice and research setting

    Symposium 4 - The runny nose

    Mini Symposium 3 - What did we learn from COVID 19 about smell and taste?

    Keynote Lecture 4 - Endoscopic management
    of JNA dealing with lateral extension

    Round Table 4 - Measuring nasal airflow, why bother

    How I Do It 4 - Medial femoral condile free flap for nasal reconstruction

    Instructional Course 5 - Improving outcomes from septoplasty

    Symposium 5 - The world of DCR

    Face to Face 2 - Orbital lesions of the medial compartment: transorbital vs transnasal

    Keynote Lecture 5 - Transorbital surgical approaches to the orbit, sinuses and skull base

    Round Table 5 - Approaches in orbital pathology

    How I Do It 5 - Endoscopic transorbital approaches to the orbit: how I do it

    Instructional Course 6 - Preoperative risk assessment for sinonasal surgery

    Symposium 6 - Highlights on CRS pathophysiology

    Mini Symposium 4 - Office-based procedures in rhinology (ARS)

    Keynote Lecture 6 - Nasal performances in athletes

    Round Table 6 - Localized non type 2 CRS

    How I Do It 6 - How to write a well-founded paper?

    Instructional Course 7 - Supporting technologies in sinonasal and skull base surgery

    Symposium 7 - Strategic actions for better respiratory care (EUFOREA)

    Mini Symposium 5 - ISIAN Highlights

    How I Do It 7 - Treating type-2 CRSwNP with biologics: the added value of the allergist’s experience

    Instructional Course 8 - Encorporating endotypes into my practice

    Symposium 8 - Difficult-to-treat CRS, when biologics are not available

    Plenary 2 - Ethical dilemmas in rhinological practice

    Face to Face 3 - Reboot surgery vs standard ESS

    Keynote Lecture 7 - Minimally invasive accesses to maxillary sinus

    Round Table 7 - Surgical appropriatenss in CRSwNP: indications and outcome evaluation

    How I Do It 8 - Setting up lab experiments for endotyping

    Instructional Course 9 - Nasal cytology: when, how and why

    Symposium 9 - Do it to me one more time! Revision rhinoplasty encounters

    Face to Face 4 - The nasal valve: surgical alternatives

    Keynote Lecture 8 - Nasal symmetry. In search of the Holy Grail

    Round Table 8 - Handling the tip with inadequate projection

    How I Do It 9 - How to predict outcome of biological treatment in CRSwNP

    Instructional Course 10 - Interpretation of imaging to help endoscopic sinus surgery

    Symposium 10 - Management of CFS leaks

    Mini Symposium 6 - Focus on inverted papillomas

    Keynote Lecture 9 - Endoscopic treatment of skull base malignant tumors: 20 years experience

    Round Table 9 - Spontaneous and traumatic CSF leaks reconstruction: sites, materials and techniques

    How I Do It 10 - Management of inverted papilloma with intracranial and intraorbital extension

    Instructional Course 11 - Best practices workshop on measuring chemosensory perception

    Symposium 11 - All around smell and taste

    Mini Symposium 7 - Managing smell dysfunctions

    Keynote Lecture 10 - Shedding light on parosmia and phantosmia

    Round Table 10 - Chemosensory testing, why bother?

    How I Do It 11 - Setting up a smell & taste clinic

    Instructional Course 12 - Endoscopic surgically-oriented anatomy of ITF and UPS

    Symposium 12 - Facial trauma, what Le Fort

    Mini Symposium 8 - Nose and face reconstruction

    Keynote Lecture 11 - Trans-maxillary approach to the skull base

    Round Table 11 - How and when to approach ITF and UPS

    How I Do It 12 - Does nasal surgery improve multilevel surgical outcome in OSA?

    Instructional Course 13 - Setting new standard for nose vestibule malignancies

    Symposium 13 - Fungal CRS

    Mini Symposium 9 - Molecular biology in sinonasal cancer: from bench to bedside

    Keynote Lecture 12 - Translating clinical trials into daily practice

    Round Table 12 - Skull base osteomyelitis

    How I Do It 13 - How to become a good reviewer?

    Instructional Course 14 - E-health: the rationale in rhinology

    Symposium 14 - Pediatric acute rhinosinusitis (PARS) (ESPO)

    How I Do It 14 - Sinonasal intestinal type adenocarcinoma: insights from a multicentric retrospective study

    Dragon's Den

    Instructional Course 15 - Myths and truths about sinus headaches

    Symposium 15 - Frontal sinus from A to Z

    Plenary 3 - The past, present and future of treating CRS

    Face to Face 5 - Does central compartment atopic disease exist?

    Keynote Lecture 13 - The role that bacteria play in chronic

    Round Table 13 - Recalcitrant rhinosinusitis

    How I Do It 15 - Surgical instructions in revision ESS: my pearls and pitfalls

    Instructional Course 16 - Integrated Sleep medicine care by telemedical means and the role of Rhinology in Sleep Medicine

    Symposium 16 - Inferior turbinates surgery

    Mini Symposium 10 - Focus on middle turbinates

    Keynote Lecture 14 - The role of the nose in the pathogenesis of snoring ans sleep apnea

    Round Table 14 - When does rhinologic surgery improve sleep?

    How I Do It 16 - Empty nose syndrome: is it real?

    Instructional Course 17 - Surgical instructions in
    revision ESS: my pearls and pitfalls

    Symposium 17 - All you need to know about epistaxis (ERS JUNIOR)

    Mini Symposium 11 - Peri and postoperative care in rhinosurgery (ERS JUNIOR)

    Keynote Lecture 15 - The importance of ergonomics in endoscopic surgery-how to avoid early retirement

    Round Table 15 - Complications in sinus and skull base surgery

    How I Do It 17 - Skull base malignancies:
    how to manage reconstruction

    Instructional Course 18 - Local allergic rhinitis meets reality

    Symposium 18 - Pathogenesis and treatment of rhinitis

    Mini Symposium 12 - Present and future of immunotherapy

    Keynote Lecture 16 - Advances and highlights in allergic rhinitis

    Round Table 16 - Managing complicated rhinitis

    How I Do It 18 - How GERD impacts nasal function

    Instructional Course 19 - Endoscopic treatment of benign tumors of the nasopharynx

    Sypmosium 19 - Focus on pituitary lesions

    Mini Symposium 13 - Current trends in the management of nasopharyngeal cancer recurrencies

    Keynote Lecture 17 - Endoscopic skull base surgery: limitations and challenges

    Round Table 17 - Vasculitis and midline destructive lesions of the sinonasal tract

    How I Do It 19 - My way of approachig frontal sinus: techniques and landmarks of endoscopic frontal sinus surgery

    Instructional Course 20 - Allergic rhinitis in childhood

    Symposium 20 - Management of pediatric rhinosinusitis

    Face to Face 6 - Embolize or not in JNA

    Keynote Lecture 18 - Pediatric malignant and skull base tumors: multidisciplinary management

    Round Table 18 - The child with the blocked nose

    How I Do It 20 - Management of developmental skull base malformations in children

     ARHIN (working group Rhinology and Rhinosurgery of the German Society of Head and Neck Surgery): Orbital complication in sinusitis

    Israeli Rhinologic Society: Odontogenic Sinusitis and Dental Rehabilitation

    Japanese Rhinologic Society:Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis in Japan: How we became an advanced country on AIT

    Rhinology Research Society: Advanced Skull Base Surgery in Rhinology Practice

    UEMS in Rhinology - John Fenton, Adrian Agius

    Turkish Rhinologic Society: Medical and Surgical treatment of CRSwNP: Turkish Experience

    Romanian Rhinologic Society:"Sinonasal benign tumors: difficulties, errors and pitfalls" 

    Italian Academy of Rhinology

    Hungarian Rhinologic Society

    Bulgarian Rhinologic Society: "Around the nose"

    Czech Republic

    American Rhinologic Society: RECALCITRANT CRS AND NASAL POLYPS

    Croatian Rhinologic Society

    Greek Rhinologic Society

    Ukrainian ORL Society

    South Korea Rhinologic Society Current translational/basic research in rhinology

    Polish Rhinologic Society The nose, the sleep and the function

    North Makedonia

    Serbia: Diagnostics in Rhinology

    Australia and New Zealand Rhinologic Society: Novel approaches to old problems

    3) Suitability of formats used during the event

    Was there adequate time available for discussions, questions & answers and learner engagement?

    Can you indicate any innovative elements during the activity?

    4) Ways the event affects clinical practice

    Will the information you learnt be implemented in your practice?

    Can you provide ONE example how this event will influence your future practice?

    5) Commercial bias

    Did all the faculty members provide their potential conflict of interest declaration with the sponsor(s) as a second slide of their presentation?

    Can you provide an example of biased presentation in this activity?

    Do you agree that the information was overall free of commercial and other bias?

    Please enter your name exacly as you want it to appear on your certificate.

    Your Email

    CME credits